
Showing posts from February, 2016

Powering though bulk object updates with Lithnet FIM/MIM Service PowerShell Module

The Lithnet FIM/MIM Service PowerShell module (LithnetRMA) allows you to not only drastically reduce the code you have to write to perform basic create, update and delete operations, but it’s significantly faster than the out-of-box FimAutomation module too. I love hearing reports from people about how they were able to cut hours off the execution time of their existing scripts by converting them to use LithnetRMA! Read about how Jon got a script down from 22 hours to 6 mins using the Lithnet #fim2010 PowerShell module. Awesome! — Ryan Newington (@RyanLNewington) October 9, 2015 Read about Ike's performance improvements using Lithnet #fim2010 PowerShell module - 12 hours down to 30 minutes! — Ryan Newington (@RyanLNewington) September 2, 2015 One of the biggest speed advantages that LithnetRMA has over the out-of-box FIMAutomation module is that it supports composite updates. Composite updates combine multiple updates ...